AT Protocol string format validation.
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.only_validate_if_strict(validate_fn: Callable[[...], str]) Callable[[...], str] ¶
Skip pydantic validation if not opting into strict validation via context.
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_at_uri(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate an AT Protocol URI.
Must follow pattern:
Starts with at://
Contains handle or DID
Optional /collection/record-key path
Max 8KB length
No query parameters or fragments
- Parameters:
v – The AT-URI to validate (e.g. at://
- Returns:
The validated AT-URI
- Raises:
ValueError – If AT-URI format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_cid(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate a Content Identifier (CID).
Must be:
Minimum 8 characters
Alphanumeric characters and plus signs only
- Parameters:
v – The CID to validate (e.g. bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi)
- Returns:
The validated CID
- Raises:
ValueError – If CID format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_datetime(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate an ISO 8601/RFC 3339 datetime string.
Must use uppercase T as time separator
Must include seconds (HH:MM:SS)
Must have timezone (Z or ±HH:MM)
No -00:00 timezone allowed
Valid fractional seconds format if used
No whitespace allowed
- Parameters:
v – The datetime string to validate (e.g. 2024-11-24T06:02:00Z)
- Returns:
The validated datetime string
- Raises:
ValueError – If datetime format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_did(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate a Decentralized Identifiers (DID).
A DID must follow the pattern:
Format: did:method:identifier
Method must be lowercase letters
Identifier allows alphanumeric chars, dots, underscores, hyphens, and percent
Max 2KB length
No /?#[]@ characters allowed
Valid percent-encoding if used
- Parameters:
v – The DID to validate (e.g. did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur)
- Returns:
The validated DID
- Raises:
ValueError – If DID format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_handle(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate an AT Protocol Handle Identifier.
A handle must be a valid domain name with:
2+ segments separated by dots
ASCII alphanumeric characters and hyphens only
1-63 chars per segment
Max 253 chars total
Last segment cannot start with a digit
- Parameters:
v – The handle to validate (e.g.
- Returns:
The validated handle
- Raises:
ValueError – If handle format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_language(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate an ISO language code.
Must match pattern:
2-3 letter language code or ‘i’
Optional subtag with alphanumeric chars and hyphens
- Parameters:
v – The language code to validate (e.g. en or en-US)
- Returns:
The validated language code
- Raises:
ValueError – If language code format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_nsid(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate an AT Protocol NSID (Namespaced Identifier).
An NSID must have:
3+ segments separated by dots
Reversed domain name (lowercase alphanumeric + hyphen)
Name segment (letters only)
Max 317 chars total
No segments ending in numbers
No @_*#! special characters
Max 63 chars per segment
- Parameters:
v – The NSID to validate (e.g.
- Returns:
The validated NSID
- Raises:
ValueError – If NSID format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_record_key(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate an AT Protocol Record Key (rkey).
A record key must:
Be 1-512 characters
Contain only alphanumeric chars, dots, underscores, colons, tildes, or hyphens
Not be “.” or “..”
- Parameters:
v – The record key to validate (e.g. 3jxtb5w2hkt2m)
- Returns:
The validated record key
- Raises:
ValueError – If record key format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_tid(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate an AT Protocol TID (Timestamp Identifiers).
Must be:
Exactly 13 characters
Only lowercase letters and numbers 2-7
First byte’s high bit (0x40) must be 0
- Parameters:
v – The TID to validate (e.g. 3jxtb5w2hkt2m)
- Returns:
The validated TID
- Raises:
ValueError – If TID format is invalid
- atproto_client.models.string_formats.validate_uri(v: str, _: ValidationInfo) str ¶
Validate a standard URI.
Must have a scheme starting with a letter
Must have authority (netloc) or path/query/fragment
Max 8KB length
No spaces allowed
Must follow RFC-3986 format
- Parameters:
v – The URI to validate (e.g.
- Returns:
The validated URI
- Raises:
ValueError – If URI format is invalid