

Bases: ParamsModelBase

Parameters model for tools.ozone.moderation.queryStatuses.

field appealed: bool | None = None

Get subjects in unresolved appealed status.

field collections: List[str[str]] | None = None

If specified, subjects belonging to the given collections will be returned. When subjectType is set to ‘account’, this will be ignored.

  • max_length = 20

field comment: str | None = None

Search subjects by keyword from comments.

field cursor: str | None = None


field exclude_tags: List[str] | None = None

Exclude tags.

field hosting_deleted_after: str | None = None
field hosting_deleted_before: str | None = None
field hosting_statuses: List[str] | None = None

Search subjects by the status of the associated record/account.

field hosting_updated_after: str | None = None
field hosting_updated_before: str | None = None
field ignore_subjects: List[str[str]] | None = None

Ignore subjects.

field include_all_user_records: bool | None = None
field include_muted: bool | None = None
field last_reviewed_by: str | None = None
field limit: int | None = 50


  • ge = 1

  • le = 100

field min_account_suspend_count: int | None = None
field min_reported_records_count: int | None = None
field min_takendown_records_count: int | None = None
field only_muted: bool | None = None

When set to true, only muted subjects and reporters will be returned.

field queue_count: int | None = None
field queue_index: int | None = None
field queue_seed: str | None = None

A seeder to shuffle/balance the queue items.

field reported_after: str | None = None

Search subjects reported after a given timestamp.

field reported_before: str | None = None

Search subjects reported before a given timestamp.

field review_state: str | None = None

Specify when fetching subjects in a certain state.

field reviewed_after: str | None = None

Search subjects reviewed after a given timestamp.

field reviewed_before: str | None = None

Search subjects reviewed before a given timestamp.

field sort_direction: Literal['asc'] | Literal['desc'] | None = 'desc'

Sort direction.

field sort_field: Literal['lastReviewedAt'] | Literal['lastReportedAt'] | Literal['reportedRecordsCount'] | Literal['takendownRecordsCount'] | None = 'lastReportedAt'

Sort field.

field subject: str | None = None

The subject to get the status for.

field subject_type: Literal['account'] | Literal['record'] | str | None = None
field tags: List[str] | None = None


  • max_length = 25

field takendown: bool | None = None

Get subjects that were taken down.

class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

appealed: typing_extensions.NotRequired[bool | None]

Get subjects in unresolved appealed status.

collections: typing_extensions.NotRequired[List[str[str]] | None]

If specified, subjects belonging to the given collections will be returned. When subjectType is set to ‘account’, this will be ignored.

comment: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Search subjects by keyword from comments.

cursor: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]


exclude_tags: typing_extensions.NotRequired[List[str] | None]

Exclude tags.

hosting_deleted_after: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Search subjects where the associated record/account was deleted after a given timestamp.

hosting_deleted_before: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Search subjects where the associated record/account was deleted before a given timestamp.

hosting_statuses: typing_extensions.NotRequired[List[str] | None]

Search subjects by the status of the associated record/account.

hosting_updated_after: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Search subjects where the associated record/account was updated after a given timestamp.

hosting_updated_before: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Search subjects where the associated record/account was updated before a given timestamp.

ignore_subjects: typing_extensions.NotRequired[List[str[str]] | None]

Ignore subjects.

include_all_user_records: typing_extensions.NotRequired[bool | None]

All subjects, or subjects from given ‘collections’ param, belonging to the account specified in the ‘subject’ param will be returned.

include_muted: typing_extensions.NotRequired[bool | None]

By default, we don’t include muted subjects in the results. Set this to true to include them.

last_reviewed_by: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Get all subject statuses that were reviewed by a specific moderator.

limit: typing_extensions.NotRequired[int | None]


min_account_suspend_count: typing_extensions.NotRequired[int | None]

If specified, only subjects that belong to an account that has at least this many suspensions will be returned.

min_reported_records_count: typing_extensions.NotRequired[int | None]

If specified, only subjects that belong to an account that has at least this many reported records will be returned.

min_takendown_records_count: typing_extensions.NotRequired[int | None]

If specified, only subjects that belong to an account that has at least this many taken down records will be returned.

only_muted: typing_extensions.NotRequired[bool | None]

When set to true, only muted subjects and reporters will be returned.

queue_count: typing_extensions.NotRequired[int | None]

Number of queues being used by moderators. Subjects will be split among all queues.

queue_index: typing_extensions.NotRequired[int | None]

Index of the queue to fetch subjects from. Works only when queueCount value is specified.

queue_seed: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

A seeder to shuffle/balance the queue items.

reported_after: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Search subjects reported after a given timestamp.

reported_before: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Search subjects reported before a given timestamp.

review_state: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str | None]

Specify when fetching subjects in a certain state.

reviewed_after: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Search subjects reviewed after a given timestamp.

reviewed_before: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

Search subjects reviewed before a given timestamp.

sort_direction: typing_extensions.NotRequired[Literal['asc'] | Literal['desc'] | None]

Sort direction.

sort_field: typing_extensions.NotRequired[Literal['lastReviewedAt'] | Literal['lastReportedAt'] | Literal['reportedRecordsCount'] | Literal['takendownRecordsCount'] | None]

Sort field.

subject: typing_extensions.NotRequired[str[str] | None]

The subject to get the status for.

subject_type: typing_extensions.NotRequired[Literal['account'] | Literal['record'] | str | None]

If specified, subjects of the given type (account or record) will be returned. When this is set to ‘account’ the ‘collections’ parameter will be ignored. When includeAllUserRecords or subject is set, this will be ignored.

tags: typing_extensions.NotRequired[List[str] | None]


takendown: typing_extensions.NotRequired[bool | None]

Get subjects that were taken down.


Bases: ResponseModelBase

Output data model for tools.ozone.moderation.queryStatuses.

field cursor: str | None = None


field subject_statuses: List[models.ToolsOzoneModerationDefs.SubjectStatusView] [Required]

Subject statuses.