String Formats¶
The AT Protocol defines several string formats that are used throughout the protocol. This page describes these formats and how to validate them in your code.
The SDK provides optional strict validation for AT Protocol string formats. By default, validation is disabled for performance reasons, but you can enable it when needed.
Supported String Formats¶
The SDK supports validation of the following string formats:
These formats are a working empirical understanding of the required formats based on the following resources:
A handle must be a valid domain name (e.g.,
2+ segments separated by dots
ASCII alphanumeric characters and hyphens only
1-63 chars per segment
Max 253 chars total
Last segment cannot start with a digit
DID (Decentralized Identifier)¶
A DID follows the pattern did:method:identifier
Method must be lowercase letters
Identifier allows alphanumeric chars, dots, underscores, hyphens, and percent
Max 2KB length
No /?#[]@ characters allowed
NSID (Namespaced Identifier)¶
An NSID must have:
3+ segments separated by dots
Reversed domain name (lowercase alphanumeric + hyphen)
Name segment (letters only)
Max 317 chars total
No segments ending in numbers
No @_*#! special characters
Max 63 chars per segment
An AT-URI must follow the pattern at://authority/collection/record-key
Starts with
Contains handle or DID
Optional /collection/record-key path
Max 8KB length
No query parameters or fragments
CID (Content Identifier)¶
Must be:
Minimum 8 characters
Alphanumeric characters and plus signs only
Must use uppercase T as time separator
Must include seconds (HH:MM:SS)
Must have timezone (Z or ±HH:MM)
No -00:00 timezone allowed
Valid fractional seconds format if used
No whitespace allowed
TID (Timestamp Identifiers)¶
Must be:
Exactly 13 characters
Only lowercase letters and numbers 2-7
First byte’s high bit (0x40) must be 0
Record Key (rkey)¶
A record key must:
Be 1-512 characters
Contain only alphanumeric chars, dots, underscores, colons, tildes, or hyphens
Not be “.” or “..”
Must have a scheme starting with a letter
Must have authority (netloc) or path/query/fragment
Max 8KB length
No spaces allowed
Must follow RFC-3986 format
Must match pattern:
2-3 letter language code or ‘i’
Optional subtag with alphanumeric chars and hyphens
Using Validation in Your Code¶
There are two ways to enable validation:
from atproto_client.models.utils import get_or_create
from atproto_client.models.string_formats import Handle
from pydantic import BaseModel
class MyModel(BaseModel):
handle: Handle
data = {"handle": ""}
model_instance = get_or_create(data, MyModel, strict_string_format=True)
Using Pydantic’s validation context directly:
from pydantic import BaseModel
from atproto_client.models.string_formats import Handle
class MyModel(BaseModel):
handle: Handle
model_instance = MyModel.model_validate(
{"handle": ""},
context={"strict_string_format": True}
When validation is disabled (the default), any string value will be accepted for any format. When enabled, the values must conform to the above validation rules, or else a ValidationError
will be raised.